Sport Court Multi Sport Game Courts

Promoting health and wellness amongst today’s youth can be something of a challenge. With the amount of time kids spend in front of a screen rising and over-packed schedules, maintaining health can often be put on the back burner. The benefits of engaging in physical activity are well documented, and adding a backyard court can provide a fun and accessible way for children and teenagers to be active. In addition to the physical advantages, getting physically active can also provide significant mental health benefits as well.

Physical Benefits:

  • Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, expecially physical activity that promotes a fun atmosphere and can get the whole neighborhood or family involved! Exercise that doubles as a good time will help create a positive mindset around staying physically active, diminishing a lot of the anxiety that children can feel while adjusting to getting their bodies moving.
  • Engaging in physical activity helps to improve cardiovascular health, increase muscle and bone strength, and maintain a healthy weight. These physical benefits can help prevent chronic health conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, and promote long-term health and wellness.
  • Texas has one of the highest obesity rates in the United States, with 30.9% of adults in the state considered obese in 2020. Obesity rates among children in Texas are also increased, with 15.4% of children ages 10-17 considered obese in 2019.
  • In Austin, many children engage in sedentary behaviors, such as watching TV or playing video games, which can contribute to obesity and other health problems. According to the Texas Youth Fitness Study, only 17% of Austin students met the recommended level of physical activity in 2017.

Mental Benefits:

  • In addition to the physical benefits, exercise also provides significant mental health benefits. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve mood and overall mental well-being.
  • Playing sports on a court can also help children and teenagers develop valuable social skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership.
  • A study conducted by the Austin Independent School District found that students who participated in sports had better mental health outcomes, including lower levels of stress and improved self-esteem. Improved self-esteem allows children to better cope with making mistakes, improving their capabilities and experiences at school, home, and with friends.

Getting Active in Austin, TX:

  • Promoting health and wellness amongst youth is particularly important in Austin, TX, where rates of childhood obesity and related health issues are high. Providing access to sports courts can help encourage children and teenagers to be physically active and help combat these health issues.
  • The Austin Parks and Recreation Department offers after school programs that focus on four core components: a healthy snack, active play, enrichment, and homework help. Learn more about their program here.
  • Through the Greater Austin YMCA, children can participate in their Youth Sports. This program will “encourage and promote healthy kids, families, and communities by placing a priority on family involvement, healthy competition rather than rivalry, the value of participating in recreational leagues over winning, team-building as well as individual development, a positive self-image and a sense of fair play and mutual respect for others.” This program also puts an emphasis on parents being more that a spectator and have active roles in their childrens activities. Check out their page here.
  • Another option for kids in Austin, is i9 Sports, which offer a variety of age appropriate activities, empasizing on fun and healthy competition. They make sure that the practices are easy to manage to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules. Read up on all their different programs here!
  • For a variety of fun, physical activity, you can also look at HCI sports page here. They have designated sports courts, turf, climbing, and playscape areas for camps.
  • If you are located in the North Austin area then T&C Sports might be the perfect organization to offer a variety of physical activity options for your kids. Read about the multiple programs they offer here.
  • If you are looking to encourage play at home, then getting your own Sport Court® installed might be the best option for you! This is your sign to grab the family and design your very own Sport Court today.

Getting physically active and exercising with friends and family can provide a safe space for children to express themselves, develop their skills and talents, and build lasting relationships with others. This can help create a sense of community and belonging, which can be particularly important for children who may feel isolated or disconnected from their peers. This is why we believe that “families who play together, stay together” and you can read more about how our family-oriented values planted the seed for Sport Court® Austin to grow.